I think my mind memory has getting weaker and weaker than before.
I cant even remember where did i eat or where i place my stuff at few minutes ago,
but have to thinnnnnnnnkkkk until my brain almost burst out only i can remember back.
Sadly, in sem 2 i seems to be getting lazier and slow motion in doing my work.
I dont know why.
there is just dont have a motive for me to moving on quickly.
Alright, I know this could be an excuse for myself.
I'm not going to accept it either.
After finished typing this showing my temporary terrible characteristic of myself,
I gonna wash up my face and mind,
restart my engine Once again!
Apologise 90degree bond to myself,souls and friends who realised the changes of myself.
Sorry Celine. I have make u,the appearance"face" getting uglier with those pimples on it.
Overnight to hope that u could done it well but yet ur speed still sooo slow compare to others.
Make ur move!!Move On!!
Show them what u got!!
Cheer Celine!!Cheeeerrr!!
You havent seen the last of me!!
think about the damn hell i gonna kill myself and taylor's supper high expensive fees and ur slow turtle done assignment speed.
Change urself and greeting a better Celine:D