Thursday, September 26, 2013

Strawberry Swing

Bussyyy buzeeee weeks i'm having recently!
Learning photoshop, autocad, sketch up and rhino at once is NOT AN EASY TASK!!
they do really drive me to road called "CRAZY" and no "turning back" sign along the road...

I need some relaxing song to cheer me up as i'm always an emotional person.
Always has tat kinda thought that people are pro than me which make me stress up myself more.
Sum up : I'm Kiashu when comes to assignment..:'(

Back to Coldplay- Strawberry Swinggggg
it's the most interesting music video i ever seennnn!! (maybe i didn't see any better before, but for me, these is the BEST!)
Enjoy this make me calm down music with cutteeeeeee floor sketch!:D

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